Xenirad can provide you with maintenance, repair or new equipment installation and integration for all your broadcast technical needs from the microphone to the antenna.



Installation of new transmitters is not always an easy undertaking especially if you want it done right. We perform transmitter installations using time tested engineering practices that minimize downtime and reduce repair expenses.

Antenna system malfunctions are a part of life in broadcasting but suffering through them does not have to be. When trouble strikes make us the first call to find the problem and resolve it quickly. We utilize state of the art vector network analyzers to test and tune your antenna system with pinpoint precision.

From 900Mhz to daylight, traditional STL or IP Based PTP links we can repair an existing system or build you a new one. Path feasibility studies and link calculations are also part of the services we provide to our customers.

Antenna Tuning & RF Services


We speak RF fluently. We can sweep and tune your antennas, bandpass filters or combiners for maximum performance and calibrate your power meters with precision. RF proof of performance, NRSC, modulation, TV digital carrier measurements and proof of performance measurements.

We can design your new studios to be as technically advanced as you like utilizing the latest technologies. Imagine having a studio that could be rewired or reconfigured remotely. Yes Xenirad can do that!